Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yanno....((WARNING: Non-Humorous Post))

Everyone else blogs about these socially important things. Either that, or highly personal, poignant, emotional things which tear at people's heartstrings. I read some of these blogs, and then look at mine. Mine, as I state in my "About Me" section, is of absolutely no socially redeeming quality whatsoever. It's merely snippets of my history, or of my present, living in what I so lovingly refer to as "weird~shit~land". Some of it is truly funny, when looked upon with the passage of time. Some of it is sad or is simply outrageous. But, it's mine. I've been told so many times to write a book, or to do stand-up comedy, that I can't even count them. However, that seems so, well, public to me. That puts these intimate pieces of my life so far out into the public domain for public ridicule that I don't know if I can bear it. Call it fear, call it vanity, I'm not sure which.

I just read a blog of a woman who's given birth to a baby who has anencephaly, literally meaning, the baby has no brain. They determined this when they did the baby's first ultrasound at 19 weeks gestation. They wanted her to terminate the pregnancy, but she didn't. She carried the baby to term, knowing that she might only have hours with her baby after birth. The baby is now over 40 days old. She's blogging about her and her life with this little soul when she gets the chance. It's compelling. People are now sending her hate mail, I can't for the life of me understand why. Because she didn't kill the baby?? Because she didn't let her die at birth and harvest her organs immediately?? Because she let her live at all??? She's not going to live long, the mom knows and accepts that. She's already got a DNR in place for her. But, she's doing "normal" things for her. They say that babies like that can't hear, but she startled at a dog barking, so she CAN. So, there's some sort of brain activity beyond brainstem.

I don't know, it sort of makes this blog seem rather lame. One of my friends writes about the social wrongs of censorship. Another writes about the things he sees in his line of work where there is distruction, or the stupidity of others. But, me, I write of the whacked out world that I see. From the weird things that happen to me, which are a lot. It sounds pointless and stupid, but, somehow, in the seriousness of this world, where there is so much pain, and so much ugliness, I think that people need to be reminded that there are funny things too. That there are things that are totally beyond our control that when you look at them in the right light are downright funny. That I have a way of looking at things that I can see the humor in these situations rather than simply seeing the negative in them. Yes, I could just wallow in the drama, but I *CHOOSE* to find something funny in them and make myself laugh rather than stay miserable all of the time. Sometimes that's hard, and I have to remind myself that "Someday" I'll find the situation humorous. Sometimes the situation isn't funny at all, but, when I think about it later, I see *something* amusing in it that I couldn't see when I was in the throws of it.

Maybe that's the point of my blog. To show people not to take themselves or their lives *too* seriously. Not to dwell on the negative, but rather to find those amusing attributes to the negative situations so that they can let their brains cope with them better. Maybe it won't work, I don't know. But, maybe it will. But, I think perhaps that's part of what I had in mind when I started this little endeavor, a peek into my real life *weird-shit-land* window so that people can relate. See their own WSL and maybe find their own humor. Once you find that humor, the situation isn't so horrible. Isn't so bad. Isn't so frightening, and can't hurt you quite as much. At least, that's how it works for me. A defense mechanism? Probably. But, one that I'm willing to share, sort of. Right now, only a few people know how to get in here. When I get braver, I'll let more in. They'll read the other posts before this one and either think I'm crazy and stop reading, or they'll laugh until they see this one and see the "method to my madness".

Either way, that smile is all I'm hoping for. It's what makes people feel better. It's what makes me real to them. It's what'll make people come back. For now, I'll be happy if people understand why I don't write the dramatic blogs that most people do. That's important to me. I really want to be understood about this. It's not because I'm stupid, or that I want to be pointless, it's because what I have to say is different than others.

It doesn't make it less important.


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